Augmentation Mastopexy with Implant and Autologous Tissuefor Correction of Moderate/Severe Ptosis.
Ferraro GA, De Francesco F, Razzano S, D'Andrea F, Nicoletti G. J Invest Surg. 2015 Aug 25:1-11.
Contralateral DIEV as an interpositional vein graft for venous supercharge in the salvage of a congested DIEP flap.
Razzano S, Figus A, Marongiu F, Haywood R. Microsurgery. 2015 Jul 15. doi: 10.1002/micr.22447.
Pinna fillet flap after advanced external ear tumor resection.
L. Esposito , S. Razzano, C. Lo Faro , G. Dell’Aversana Orabona, F. Schonauer. JPRAS Open Volume 8, June 2016, Pages 9–13
The rectus sheath and serratus fascia "reverse" fashion flap for the coverage of the lower pole in immediate implant-based breast reconstruction.
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Modified Fish-Incision Technique in Brachioplasty: A Surgical Approach to Correct Excess Skin and Fat of the Upper Arm (Restoring the Armpit Contour).
Ferraro GA, De Francesco F, Razzano S, D'Andrea F, Nicoletti G. Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2015 Jan 29.
The "heart" shaped flap for soft tissue reconstruction in complex avulsion injury of the hand.
Razzano S, Sheppard N, Haywood R, Norton S. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2015 Jun 23.
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